Enrolment options

Course image Poultry
Farm Vet Champions
Badge Enrolment

The British Veterinary Poultry Association (BVPA) introduces how to use antibiotics responsibly in poultry, including turkeys, laying flocks and gamebirds. 

CPD: 2.5 hours
Authors: Henrietta Kodilinye-Sims, Emma Youngs, John Tasker, British Veterinary Poultry Association.
Outcome 1: Define key areas in poultry management where there is a risk of inappropriate antibiotic use
Outcome 2: Explain ‘Plan. Prevent. Protect’ principles to ensure good practice in each of these key areas
Outcome 3: Establish these principles for direct application in flocks under their care.
Outcome 4: Calculate and compare antibiotic usage for flocks under their care.
Outcome 5: Use 'Monitor. Measure. Manage' principles to inform flock health planning and help improve client relationship.

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