2. How can we assess implementation in practice?

As the final step of the EBVM cycle, Assess involves evaluation of evidence implementation into clinical practice to determine what, if any, impact on the quality of care has occurred as a result of evidence-based practice.

It is possible to assess implementation of EBVM through a number of formal and informal routes. For example, a formal evaluation of the process or outcomes of healthcare could be achieved through undertaking a clinical audit (see Assess 6).

An informal method of assessment could simply comprise personal reflection on individual cases at the end of a busy day. However, Assess also encompasses evaluation of, or reflection on, how the effectiveness and efficiency of any of the five steps in EBVM could be improved for addressing any future clinical questions. Personal reflection is discussed in more detail in Assess 4.

These assessments can be incorporated into small gaps of time throughout the day (for example, reflecting while having a cup of coffee, or mentally running through the day on your drive home), or specific times can be set aside to actively address individual questions or problems experienced in your daily practice, or by the business as a whole.

Various methods of approaching how you Assess the effect of applying EBVM to practice will be outlined in this section.