3. Help

3.3. Links


This page contains all the links to websites and resources which have been referenced within the course. They are listed by section and page, and are presented in the order in which they appear in the text.

6. Example scenarios using the PICO format

2. Acquiring evidence

3.1 Secondary sources

3.2 Evidence syntheses

3.4 Bibliographic databases

3.5 Internet search tools

4. How do I access the evidence?

4.2 For vets in practice

5. How do I search for the evidence?

5.7 Refining your search

5.8 Citation searching

6.2 Sharing a search for publication

6.3 Reference management tools

9. References

3.1 Consider the individual circumstances of your clinical scenario

3.2 Sharing evidence with your clients

4. Developing clinical practice guidelines and protocols